Welcome to Wise Heart Families
We’re glad you’re here.
Life can be challenging. We all face times when unwanted or simply unexpected experiences cause us to feel desperate, overwhelmed and alone. A relationship that was a source of support suddenly becomes a source of stress. A loved one becomes ill. Our "nest" becomes empty. A job is lost. We can’t seem to get along with our partner or our children. A betrayal happens. A loved one dies. A child is born. Memories and fears haunt us. Anxiety and depression interfere with our capacity for joy. Life is not what we thought it would be.
When the stressors of life begin to seem like “too much,” that’s when we all can benefit from additional support. We hope you’ll decide to reach out. Wise Heart therapists are skilled at providing a warm, supportive environment where you can reflect on and make sense of your experiences in a new way, opening up new possibilities for improving your life and your relationships. We specialize in helping couples, families and individuals make changes that make life better.
We’re glad you stopped by and invite you to explore our site. We look forward to connecting with you soon. Call or email us to set up a time to talk.
Our Services
During these unusual and challenging times, we are pleased to offer expanded availability via teletherapy. Please visit our Appointments page to learn more about accessing therapy online, our About Us page to learn more about our therapists or the links below to learn more about our specific services. New clients can use the button below to request an appointment; current clients may use the Client Portal.
Individual Therapy
Feeling lost or alone on life's path can make each step harder to take. When this happens, therapy can be a transformative resource that allows you to unlock your inner resources and empower you to create the changes you seek.
Couple Therapy
Relationships shape us, influence us, and deeply impact our well being. When our relationships are in distress, we are in distress. If your relationship is in crisis, couples therapy can restore the tender, powerful yet sometimes fragile bonds that keep us feeling safe and connected.
Our Affiliations
We are connected to some of the most well-established national and international organizations dedicated to leading, supporting, and training mental healthcare professionals.
“Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; remade all the time, made new.” Ursula K. Le Guin